Intensive care unit catastrophe

On 14 October 2015, little did Adam Rusan know that his life was going to change for good. Following a planned admission to one of Sydney’s leading private hospitals for surgery that went well, Adam suffered a catastrophic outcome in the hospital’s intensive care unit during a routine procedure involving the removal of his airway tube. Adam was progressing well and it was time to free him of the breathing tube. Tragically, the procedure was unsuccessful resulting in Adam suffering a cardiac arrest and ultimately, permanent brain damage. The mistake was avoidable. His wife has been left devastated and dedicates her time to caring for her husband of 14 years. They were a young couple, building a life together, with the usual hopes and dreams.

For specialist medical negligence lawyers, these cases are not uncommon. Adam’s wife has retained Turner Freeman lawyers to assist in a claim for compensation on Adam’s behalf because more than anything, Adam needs vital financial assistance. His circumstances are dire.  His wife is appealing to the public for financial assistance to enable both Adam and her to return to a reasonable standard of living in Sydney. They are currently living in unsuitable granny flat type accommodation and have been denied access to public housing. Adam’s wife has not returned to work and is relying on Centrelink benefits. Adam was a phenomenal architect, with an exceptional creative flair. He will not be able to return to work. The NDIS has provided a funding package that is inadequate. Their struggle is real. It is unfathomable that Adam, a 34 year old man, has been left in these circumstances.

Adam’s wife, Grace, has set up a ‘gofundme’ webpage, relaying Adam’s story and appealing to the public for their assistance. The link to the webpage is displayed below and describes what is needed by the couple. The video prepared by Adam’s wife is both moving and courageous. We encourage you to spend some time viewing it and if possible, reaching out in assistance. On behalf of Grace, you are all sincerely thanked.