With all the doom and gloom of coronavirus at this time, there is one way to take back some control and get your affairs in order.

Sort out your estate plan.

Just get it done.

We understand it’s not the most exciting thing to discuss, but chances are you’ll feel some sort of relief and comfort afterwards. And we all need a bit more of that at this stressful time.

So why not sort out who will be in charge of your estate when you’re gone, who you’re going to leave all of your assets to, who you want as the guardian of your kids and what your funeral wishes are. And we will help you. That’s our job.

We are here and ready to help you

We understand you might be self-isolating or feeling somewhat socially distant right now, but we’re willing and able to have a cheerful chat, give you oodles of advice and answer all your queries and questions from the comfort of your own home. Let’s chat by phone, or if you’re feeling tech-savvy, let’s do it by video call or Skype.

Getting your affairs in order is about bringing some certainty and solutions to your life (and death). It’s about making sure your loved ones are provided for, making sure you’re great grandmother’s ring gets passed on down the family, or making sure structures are set up to protect those who are vulnerable and in need.

If there’s anything that coronavirus has showed us, it’s that life is uncertain and can be out of our control. We urge you to take some control back – get your affairs in order, set up your estate plan, get your will, power of attorney and advance care directive professionally done and dusted. And let’s do it now.

We’re in this together. Give Turner Freeman Lawyers a call on 8213 1000.