Supporting the community
The Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand held its annual scientific meeting between 1 and 9 April 2014 at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Turner Freeman was pleased to sponsor the event, attended by over 600 respiratory physicians, nurses and scientists.
Turner Freeman Partners, Annie Hoffman (Adelaide) and Kacey Wuelfert (Perth), as well as Senior Associate, Fiona Seaton (Sydney), attended the conference. Turner Freeman ran a booth at the conference answering legal questions from delegates about dust diseases claims and how they are run in various jurisdictions around Australia. Turner Freeman also launched its medico-newsletter at the conference, aimed at providing advice to the medical profession in relation to recent decisions, rules in relation to expert evidence and claims procedure affecting the medical profession.
Turner Freeman sponsored the Asbestos Victims Association (SA) to attend the conference. The AVA ran their own booth providing information to delegates in relation to identifying asbestos products, particularly in the home, and the precautions require when handling asbestos.
Turner Freeman booth at the TSANZSRS conference
AVA Booth at TSANZSRS Conference