Compensation for Police Officers
What you can claim for
It is essential that you have an experienced team of experts advise you on your rights that are pursued to the limit of the law to ensure you receive proper compensation for your service to the State.
There are differing schemes of compensation, under which as a police officer you can claim compensation.
Your entitlements can include:
- Entitlements under the Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906 (for officers sworn before 1 April 1988):
- Medical Discharge;
- Superannuation Allowances (Pension);
- Lump Sum Compensation;
- Common Law Lump Sum Claims whilst retaining your Superannuation Allowance.
- Entitlements under the Workers Compensation Legislation (for officers sworn after 1 April 1988):
- Weekly Compensation;
- Medical and Treatment Expenses;
- Work Injury Damages Claims
- Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) and Income Protection (IP) claims.
If you have been injured we recommend you contact one of the police team, at Turner Freeman Lawyers on (02) 8833 2500 without obligation for a free consultation to inform you of your entitlements.
Our Fee Policy
We act on a No Win, No Fee basis in all police compensation claims.
Types of Police Compensation Claims
For Officers sworn before 1 April 1988:
Medical Discharge
If you have suffered an injury whilst performing your duties as a police officer, and you can no longer work as a police officer, we can assist you with seeking a medical discharge from the NSW Police Force.
It is beneficial for you to obtain the necessary legal advice prior to making any application for medical discharge, to ensure that your entitlements are preserved and not compromised, following the determination of your capacity for employment within the NSW Police Force.
Superannuation Allowance (Pension)
If you are discharged from the NSW Police Force and your injuries are determined to be caused by you being hurt on duty, you are entitled to seek an increase of your superannuation allowance (pension).It is possible for your pension to be increased to the same salary as at the time of your discharge. This takes into account a number of factors, including your service history and your capacity for employment.
It is essential that if you are medically discharged from the NSW Police Force and you were sworn in before 1 April 1988, that you seek legal advice in relation this entitlement, as strict time limits apply.
Lump Sum Compensation
If you have suffered a permanent impairment as a result of your employment with the NSW Police Force, you are entitled to pursue lump sum compensation, and potentially compensation for pain and suffering compensation.
Payment of Medical and Treatment Expenses
If your treatment expenses for an injury sustained at work are not satisfied by the NSW Police Force even when you are discharged you should contact us.
The NSW Police Force are required to satisfy all reasonable expenses necessitated by your injury that may include treatment, medication and domestic assistance.
Common Law
If your injury was caused by the negligence of the NSW Police Force we invite you to contact us to discuss your potential rights that may include a lump sum for your lost wages, past and future treatment expenses and pain and suffering.
Kim Smith, Special Counsel ran the first duty of care claim in NSW for a Police Officer suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in 2000 because the NSW Police Force failed in its duty of care to protect the officer’s mental wellbeing when attending violent and/or tragic incidents.
For the last 20 years the team has specialised in acting for police officers who suffer have suffered from injuries, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, that has allowed countless police officers to make these types of claims when the NSW Police Force failed in its duty of care to those police officers.
For Officers sworn after 1 April 1988
Workers Compensation
As a police officer, you along with other emergency workers such as fire-fighters and paramedics are considered to be “exempt workers” which means, that your entitlements under workers compensation differ from the usual worker.
This is a vast and complicated area of the law and if you are injured whilst on duty, it is essential that you seek immediate legal advice to ensure that your entitlements are preserved under the relevant legislation.
Compensation entitlements under workers compensation include:
- Weekly compensation;
- Payment of medical and treatment expenses;
- Lump sum compensation;
- Domestic assistance.
Work Injury Damages Claims
If you have suffered an injury whilst in the course of your duties as a police officer, whether it being a physical or psychological injury, and the injury suffered was caused or materially contributed to by the negligence of your employer, the NSW Police Force, you may be entitled to bring a claim against your employer.
There are necessary thresholds and requirements to establish prior to bring such an action against the NSW Police Force along with strict time limits in which a claim should be made. It is recommended that legal advice be obtained as soon as possible in this regard.
Kim Smith, Special Counsel ran the first duty of care claim in NSW for a Police Officer suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in 2000 because the NSW Police Force failed in its duty of care to protect the officer’s mental wellbeing when attending violent and/or tragic incidents.
For the last 20 years the team has specialised in acting for police officers who suffer have suffered from injuries, such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, that has allowed countless police officers to make these types of claims when the NSW Police Force failed in its duty of care to those police officers.
It is a means to receive a lump sum and achieve independence from the insurer if you do not wish remain on weekly benefits.
Superannuation Based Claims
Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) Claims
This is a superannuation based claim, which provides a lump sum benefit should an officer be permanently disabled by way or injury or illness, preventing the officer to seek employment on the open labour market.
If you are the dependant of a deceased loved one, you or deceased’s estate may also be entitled to a claim on TPD insurance.
It is often the case, that police officers are provided with specialised insurance policies for such claim and we can assist you pursuing such a claim, and provide you with advice on your entitlements.
Income Protection (IP) Claims
This is a superannuation based claim, and if you are unable to work due to disability, injury or illness, the NSW Police Force insurance policies may entitle you to claim Income Protection payments, which provide you with financial support if you are unable to work.
Enquire Now
If you are a police officer and have been injured in the course of your duty, talk to us without incurring any expense so that we can maximise your compensation claim.