National Skin Cancer Action Week

This National Skin Cancer Action Week, Cancer Council Queensland is reminding all Queenslanders to watch their backs and remember to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide and stay SunSmart every day.

Queensland is often described as the “Melanoma and skin cancer capital of the world”. Each year in Queensland, over 3000 people are diagnosed with melanoma and more than 300 people die from the disease. In Queensland, melanoma is the second most common form of cancer diagnosed in men and the third most common form of cancer diagnosed in women.

The theme this year aims at men aged 45 and over due to the fact that they are twice more likely to contract and die of melanoma than women of the same age.  Men, during their younger years, would have been more exposed to the sun through work and recreational activities than women. Whilst melanoma can develop anywhere on the body, in men melanoma mostly develops on the back. Remember you are never too young or too old to be SunSmart.

For more information on the Skin Cancer Action Week please visit the Cancer Council Website at

If you have been diagnosed with Melanoma or other Skin Cancer call 13 43 63 to speak with one of our personal injury lawyers in Queensland.