A latest media statement released by the Health Minister strongly advised all Queenslanders to take sun safety and skin protection very seriously in 2014 to reduce the occurrence of skin cancer.

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“Tragically, skin cancer claims more than 365 lives each year in Queensland – one life every single day. Yet it is preventable. This year I would urge everyone to make an effort to be sun safe and have a skin check – it may just save your life.”” Mr Springborg said.

“Sun exposure is responsible for 99 per cent of non-melanoma skin cancer and 96 per cent of melanoma, yet the message still isn’t getting through.”

It’s a saddening fact that Queensland still has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world.

Sally Roebuck has had regular skin checks ever since she can remember. So when the 23 year old discovered that she had a stage one melanoma she was shocked.

‘As someone who has lighter skin, I’ve always been wary about my skin and skin cancer,’ Ms Roebuck said.

‘My grandfather died as a result of complications related to stage-four melanoma so sun safety and skin checks are something my family is vigilant about.’ She said.

Despite having a history of melanoma in her family, during her university years when she was struggling financially, her skin check routine became less and less frequent.

‘I can remember when I would visit home on my university breaks my mum would always ask if I had a particular mole on my leg checked,’’ she said.

In the end, Sally went to get it checked out by her GP who referred her straight away to the dermatologist. The mole was removed an hour later. It turned out to be a stage one melanoma.

‘I now have a 15 cm scar on my right thigh. I’ve never been sun baking and I avoid the sun when I can. ‘‘I know I am very lucky that my melanoma was caught early and I would encourage others to be smart when it comes to sun safety.’’ said Sally

Cancer Council Queensland’s Katie Clift said Queenslanders needed to be SunSmart as part of their daily routine.

“Sun protection in Queensland is vital for all seasons, especially summer, when Ultra Violet Radiation is its most intense,” Ms Clift said.

“If you have a mole that has suddenly appeared, changed in size, thickness, shape, colour or has started to bleed, ask your doctor for a skin examination. Treatment is more likely to be successful if skin cancer is discovered early.”

For more information please visit the Cancer Council Queensland‘s website.

If you have been diagnosed with Melanoma or other Skin Cancer you may be entitled to compensation. Call 13 43 63 to speak with one of our personal injury lawyers in Queensland. Alternatively, you can visit us at any of our Queensland offices are in Brisbane, Logan, North Lakes, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Cairns.