*The contents in this blog relates to legislation in Western Australia.

The Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (the Act) provides a framework for Western Australia’s workers’ compensation laws and procedures.

Due to amendments to the Act over time as well as major industrial, technological and commercial developments within the workforce the Act has become complex and is no longer clear. It has instead come to be disjointed and confusing.

A two stage process to review and modernise the Act first began in 2009. The Act is now currently undergoing a full review process in order to make it more contemporary and allow for further changes which may occur to the workforce in the future. The Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Bill 2021 (Consultation Draft) has been drafted to address various sections within the Act which require modernising.

Consultation regarding the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Bill 2021 (Consultation Draft) has occurred and now the State Government is seeking public submissions regarding the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Bill 2021 (Consultation Draft) before it is introduced to State Parliament.

The Turner Freeman Lawyers Perth Office will be reviewing and providing written submissions to WorkCover WA regarding various sections which are under review. These sections relate to Dust Diseases, Noise Induced Hearing Loss and Workers’ Compensation.

The aim of our review is to ensure that the proposed amendments are in favour of the worker. We also aim to review the practicality of the proposed amendments and whether they combat the many difficulties we currently face within these areas of the law when bringing claims on behalf of our clients.

It is important we ensure the Act is fair for the worker.