Melanoma Awareness March
Take part in this year’s Melanoma Awareness March by the Melanoma Patients Australia (MPA) to be held on the Sunshine Coast.
Melanoma Awareness March is an opportunity to unite against melanoma, to remember loved ones lost and to raise awareness of Australia’s national cancer, while supporting our researchers to find a cure.
The 2.6km walk will commence at Kawana Surf Life Saving Club (99 Pacific Blvd, Buddina QLD 4575).
Melanoma Patients Australia was officially launched on 6 July 2006 by then Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency Quentin Bryce AC, now Governor-General of Australia.
MPA continues to grow in strength and numbers and is now one of the largest melanoma patient advocacy groups in Australia. Melanoma Patients Australia is the only patient driven non-profit organisation that offers a national network of support and information to patients, their families, carers, and friends, about melanoma prevention, diagnosis, management and treatment.
If you have been diagnosed with Melanoma or other Skin Cancer call 13 43 63 to speak with one of our personal injury lawyers in Queensland.