Media release on the inquiry into the cosmetic industry
On 13 February 2018 a media release was issued in relation to the inquiry into the cosmetic industry by the NSW Parliament. The release noted that “unsafe and illegal cosmetic procedures are being performed at some cosmetic and beauty clinics by unregistered and unqualified health practitioners.”
Submissions were made in relation to this inquiry, including by the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) and Professor Mark Ashton, President of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
Some key concerns raised by Professor Ashton about the cosmetic industry are as follows:
- The ASPS believes it is vitally important that the public can identify a trustworthy source of basic information.
- The term “Cosmetic Surgeon” is confusing to the public. Professor Ashton noted that “currently any medical practitioner can use the title ‘cosmetic surgeon’ and perform cosmetic surgery without undertaking Australian Medical Council approved surgical training.”
- Many patients who suffer poor outcomes from cosmetic services think that they are partly to blame and are too scared, embarrassed or unwilling to come forward, particularly if they have chosen a cheaper service provider. Few patients are aware of the HCCC and its role.
The ASPS recommended tighter regulations and laws for the cosmetic industry and that the government get rid of the term “Cosmetic Surgeon” so that doctors can only call themselves “surgeons” if they have been fully trained by the Australian Medical Council.
More information can be found about this on the links below:
Get in touch with us
At Turner Freeman we have lawyers who specialise in medical negligence claims. Our Sydney partner, Sally Gleeson, along with her team of lawyers, have a dedicated practice in medical law.
If you or someone you know has suffered as a result of medical negligence, including a situation in which you have suffered injury as a result of cosmetic procedures and surgeries we encourage you to call us on 13 43 63 to speak with one of our medical law experts.
Signing a consent form does not prevent you from bringing a claim because patients do not consent to negligent treatment. Doctors and health providers must provide you with reasonable and proper treatment, irrespective of how much you paid for their services.