Today is the first day of the Brisbane Cancer Conference, a two-day event showcasing the latest advances in cancer diagnosis, treatment and research including a Lung Cancer Symposia and Thoracic Workshop.

Tomorrow, international guest speaker Professor Dean Fennell, a clinician scientist and international leader in mesothelioma research from London will present. Prof Fennell’s lab is currently pioneering novel precision medicine strategies and the study of tumour evolution in mesothelioma.

Prof Fennell was a junior doctor in London in the early 2000s specialising in the development of early and late phase clinical trials, preclinical experimental therapeutics, and personalised therapy when he and a colleague hit upon a novel way to fight malignant mesothelioma. Their study proposed a method of starving mesothelioma cancer tumours, by cutting off their food supply.

The research led to a breakthrough clinical trial being set up this year, which has seen patients in Leicester given a new combination chemotherapy treatment, inspired by the study.

Turner Freeman is a proud sponsor of the Brisbane Cancer Conference and our Queensland Turner Freeman Dust lawyers will be in attendance across the two days of the conference.

Visit us at the Turner Freeman exhibition site for your chance to win an iPad!

Brisbane Cancer Conference