It is well known that smoking can cause lung cancer. Less well known is that asbestos exposure can also cause lung cancer.
Lung cancer, also known as an adenocarcinoma of the lung, is very different to mesothelioma, the terminal asbestos cancer. Lung cancer has many causes and if it is caught early enough can be treated resulting in a person having a long and healthy life.
Those who have been exposed to asbestos and also smoked are at increased risk of developing lung cancer as asbestos and smoking work together to synergistically increase a person’s risk of developing the disease. Given the link between smoking and asbestos exposure lung cancer compensation claims are particularly complicated as there is no single cause and it is likely both a person’s smoking and asbestos exposure contributed to them developing lung cancer. Given the complexity of this condition it is imperative persons who have been exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with lung cancer that you seek legal advice from an expert asbestos litigation lawyer.
Your lawyer will take a detailed exposure and smoking history from you and then advise you which type of claim is the most appropriate for you.
In Western Australia there are 2 entitlements available to persons who have been exposed to asbestos and suffer from lung cancer causing impairment. The first is a statutory claim for compensation and the second is a common law claim for compensation where court proceedings are filed against the entity who exposed you to asbestos.
Strict time limits apply to commencing court proceedings therefore it is important you speak to a lawyer as a matter of urgency.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer contact us today to speak to one of our expert asbestos lawyers on an obligation free basis.