A recent study entitled Workplace Bullying in Australia conducted by the University of Wollongong has found that at least half of all Australian employees will experience workplace bullying during their careers.
This startling statistic further indicated that it was young males and those exposed to particularly stressful environments that were most at risk. It is important to note that bullying or harassment in the workplace does not have to occur as verbal or physical abuse in the workplace. Bullying or harassment can occur as social isolation, withholding of information or the spreading of rumours. It is clear that conduct which is considered bullying and harassment is wide and varied.
Effects of bullying in the workplace
It appears that despite the current awareness and implementation of programs to address workplace bullying by some employers, it appears that these programs are not necessarily working. The study conducted by University of Wollongong has indicated that victims of workplace bullying often experience a deterioration of their mental health. Often this deterioration may be short-lived with the victim being able to resolve the situation internally with their employer.
However, in some cases, the condition is not as transient and the individual may develop a chronic mental health condition. In more severe cases, it has been found that individuals exposed to bullying and harassment during employment can possibly develop more serious conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or major depression. These conditions often see the victim experiencing severe symptoms of anxiety and depression with marked suicidal ideation. These conditions do not just affect the individual but the larger family network of the victim.
In such cases, it is often necessary to lodge a Workers Compensation Claim to allow the individual time off work to recover. The approval of a Workers Compensation Claim in such circumstances will entitle the worker to weekly compensation and paid medical treatment.
However, lodging a Workers Compensation Claim for a psychological injury suffered during the course of employment is a complex process. It requires that the individual be diagnosed with a recognised psychological illness, that employment was the main contributing factor and that for the individual to demonstrate that the injury was not the result of a reasonable administrative action of the employer.
Get in touch with us
In many cases this complex process of lodging a workers compensation claim can only serve to exacerbate the suffering of the injured worker. At Turner Freeman we have lawyers who can uncomplicate this process. We have lawyers who specialise in Workers Compensation Claims as a result of psychological injuries suffered in the course of employment If you or someone you know has suffered a psychological injury as a consequence of employment, call 13 43 63 to speak with one of our Workers Compensation experts today.